Here is a quick online safety quiz to do with your child or children
- if you child is under 13 years old, use your email account to get the responses.
Discuss the various questions and answers! Keeping the conversation open with your children, helps to keep them safe online.

Safer Internet Day Tuesday, 9 February 2021, it is 18th edition of Safer Internet Day, the theme is "Together for a better internet", let's join together to make the internet a safer and better place for everyone, young and old, most especially for children and young people.

Password Protection
Don't share your password with friends, you may have a disagreement, your login may be misused.
To create a password think about:
A password should -
Always be created by you
Contain upper and lower case letters
Contain special character/s ($@#!&)
Contain at least one number
Not be a dictionary word or combination of dictionary words

Think about your digital footprint or digital tattoo!
What do people know about YOU from your online content? Your digital profile sticks to you!
Be responsible about what you post and share.
Would you be proud to share and show your posts to your Grandmother?
Create a positive digital image of yourself!
Be A RESPONSIBLE DIGITAL CITIZEN - set the example for others!
I look forward to hearing from you! Karen,