I'd like to share two resources on this Safer Internet day that I think are really valuable for teachers, children and parents.
Firstly: Be Internet Awesome / Legends
It includes a range of tools: Game for Children, Curriculum for Teachers and Parent resource.
In the US it is reffered to as "Be Internet Awesome," while in the UK link it is "Be Internet Legends"
This activity is to teach children how to make smart decisions online, and can explore the online world with confidence.
Be Internet Awesome / Legends teaches children the basics of digital safety and digital citizenship, while providing a range of resources to assist adults as well.
Be Internet Awesome / Legends provides resources and tools for children, parents and teachers:
The web-based game for children: https://beinternetlegends.withgoogle.com/en_uk/interland
For teachers:
Classroom curriculum, to help teach these lessons through hands-on practice.
Be Internet Awesome https://beinternetawesome.withgoogle.com/en_us/interland
Be Internet Legends https://beinternetlegends.withgoogle.com/en_uk
Google_InternetLegends_Scheme of Work.pdf https://storage.googleapis.com/gweb-interland.appspot.com/en-gb-all/hub/pdfs/Google_InternetLegends_Scheme%20of%20Work.pdf
Explore Be Internet Legends for more classroom tools for link to Interlans for chromebooks, add to Google classroom with Interltand to Classroom, and a range of other resources https://beinternetlegends.withgoogle.com/en_uk/toolkit
For parents:
Parents can get involved at home by encouraging the entire family to discuss, follow and sign the internet safety pledge, callled the "Legends Code" together. See: https://storage.googleapis.com/gweb-interland.appspot.com/en-gb-all/hub/pdfs/Google_BeInternetLegends_Pledge.pdf
Which includes:
Think Before You Share
Check it's For Real
Protect Your Stuff
Respect Each Other
When in Doubt, Discuss
Second is Google for Education, Teacher Centre Course - Digital Citizenship and Safety Course.
I think teachers and parents, and even learners can benefit from this course.
Topics include:
Why teach digital citizenship and safety?
Teach students about internet safety and privacy
Online safety on the Go
Savvy Searching
Stay safe from phishing and scams
Manage your online reputation

Teaching our children about internet safety, is very important in assisting them to become responsible digital citizens.
If you would like more a presentation about Internet Safety to your students, parents or staff members, please contact me.