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Internet Safety

Writer's picture: Karen WalstraKaren Walstra

Some hints and tips . . . Internet Safety

Whatever the technology (PC, laptop, tablet, cell-phone, etc.), if it can be used online make learners aware of internet safety!

  • Discuss the dangers and uses of going online.

  • Make them aware of the internet safety, cyberbullying and online profiles.

  • Discuss what it means to participate on the web responsibly and wisely!

Create an awareness of being online with the children you teach, such as . . .

  • Cellphones are a responsibility, not a right, especially if paid for by parents! Children should be taught to use them responsibly, they should be aware of the photos and videos they take, and how they are shared. Be aware of the language and tone used

when sending text messages or multimedia messages.

  • Have a password on the various types of individual technologies (cell phones, tablets, laptops). They should not share their password with any friends! However a parent or trusted adult should know the password.

  • Set privacy settings on their social networks, e.g. friends only is preferable.

  • Be aware of social network age restrictions. Don't pretend to be older than they are. For example: Facebook's and Google+'s age restriction is 13 years old.

  • At least one of parent should be the child's social network "friend" on the social networks he / she uses.

  • Strongly discourage the children from providing personal details on online databases and especially to people they don't know, such as home address, phone number, school's name.

  • Discourage online trading, sharing or giving away of any photographs. Recommend that learners check their photo-albums privacy setting are set as friends only (not even 'friends of friends').

  • Discourage children inviting or chatting to people they don't know. Discuss how they never know who they are really speaking too, that the person may be pretending to be someone that they are not.

  • Remind child not to go into chat-rooms for children older than themselves. Strongly emphasise that they should not lie about their ages.

  • Remind children about online etiquette. They should always be polite in a chat room or online.

  • Make the children aware of cyber-bullying!

  • Teach them if someone is rude or nasty online, they should ignore them and report them to a teacher, a parent and / or the particular social network security!

  • Inform children not to download games on the school computers, as they may contain viruses and they may even slow the school system down.

Teach children to use technology responsibly - make them aware that there are consequences to their actions!

Interesting websites to view:

Net Smartz - has information for teachers, parents and different age groups of children

Tracking Teresa, under Real Life Stories, on NetSmartz, is a good video clip to show to the children and then discuss

Free for Kids has wonderful internet safety posters which you can print to use in your classroom

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection's (CEOP) website called Think U Know, as informative information for various age groups of children, parents, caregivers and teachers

The South African Film and Publication Board, has interesting information and articles to download and read. It's a site we should be aware of as teachers, and we should make our children and parents aware of it.

Google allows a person to set safe search filters. They also have informative information about online safety.

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