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Edu & Tech Live Virtual Chats
with people in the education and tech-ed fields. 

Twice a month, I chat to people about an education and/or tech-ed related topic. (Free)

It all began in 2020 with the request to assist teachers coping with lockdown and remote learning.


That led to th 12 hour EvolveSchool 🚀Edu-Change Exploration🚀for School Leaders and ALL Teachers, a 🚀 journey of 👀 discovery on 27 Aug 2020, 09:00 to 21:00, in our educational virtual 😷 conference. Free all day hop in and out virtual conference for school leaders and teachers.  Every 20min slot introduced different educational tech corporates, mainly South African,  interspersed with amazing edutech teachers, sharing ways in which they are used technology.

See this amazing event's videos on YouTube here


In 2020 we began "All Things Edu & Tech -see the amazing webinars and hear the various views here

See YouTube channel of previous chats


In 2024 the journey continues we stream to YouTibe, Facebook and LinkedIn mainly on  ONE Thursday  evening per month, from 19:00 - 19:45 (GMT+2)


Join us in the 2024 conversations, find out who is speaking and when here


Register here to keep up to date:

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Learning Spaces around us
Physical and Virtual

This workshop takes the teacher on a journey of exploration and discovery about learning spaces and considerations at schools:

And how all these aspects assist in creating interesting learning spaces, with learners engaged and participating.

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One to One Teacher Discussions

Have a teaching query - drop me a mail and let's have a quick chat!

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Classroom Management
My Teaching Space

This self-paced online workshop takes the teacher on a journey of reflection and discovery about classroom management exploring

  • Myself, as the Teacher

  • My Students and how they engage

  • Lesson Preparation and Planning

  • Availability of Equipment and Resources

  • Technology used by me, the Teacher

  • Technology my Students may use

  • The Teaching and Learning Spaces, virtual and face-to-face.

Explore how all these aspects assist in creating effective management in the classroom, with learners engaged and participating

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Creating an inspiring Makerspace
(STEM / STEAM Environment)

This workshop takes the particpant on a journey of exploration and discovery about makerspace and considerations:

  1. What a Makerspace (STEM / STEAM) & strategic initiatives

  2. Inclusion of stakeholders

  3. Explore - a school audit, budgeting and the educator 

  4. Design Thinking, Design Process strategies and pedagogies

  5. Venue facilities, resources, tools, and materials

  6. Sustainability, curriculum integration, timetabling, extra-mural or club option

Create an interesting makerspace - learner engagement and participation

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My Sustainable School Garden

In this workshop, we will explore ways to show how technology and caring for the environment go hand-in-hand. 

Looking at ways to encourage wildlife into your school garden. Planting plants to encourage little creatures, birds and other animals, while growing food and creating a beautiful, colourful, sensory learning space. 


Exploring lesson ideas of environmental care and technology integration to monitor who is visiting the garden, or if the garden requires watering, using the Internet of Things. Investigating the design of your environmental garden using AI. 


In turn,  we are teaching our children about sustainable living in turn with nature, caring for the creatures and the environment, and meaningful, relevant and real-life technology applications.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle by designing, making and evaluating a vegetable garden and creating a pretty garden for pollinators to thrive

Sign up your staff for this course to explore the environment and tech.

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Leadership inspiring Change Management, using digital tools

This workshop takes the school leadership through a series of key pillars to impact change management, related to using digital tools. Exploring:

  • the vision

  • skills

  • incentives

  • resources

  • action plan.

Investigate how all these pillars assist in creating effective change management within a school, with the value of incorporating digital tools into a school.

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Critical and Creative Thinking Teaching Strategies & Methods

Critical thinking and ideas on how to teach the 4Cs/6Cs (communication, creativity, collaboration and critical thinking). Creative and critical thinking strategies in the classroom, asking the right questions, and encouraging thinking and doing.

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Keynote Speaker, Term Opening Address and Speaker Engagement

I would love to speak at your school to engage with your staff at the start of a new term, be a keynote speaker at an event you're hosting and talk about education, impacting positive change and the impact of remote learning and educational change.

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