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Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Workshops and Courses

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) and education

1.  Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). Including the four forms of AI (Reactive Machine, Limited Memory Machines, Theory of Mind and Self Aware machines).

2. Explore various AI solutions that bring value to education and business, for example text AI, visual AI, analytical AI)

3. AI resources and activities for learners to use in lessons, e.g. reading, spell check, etc.

4. Explore websites to understand how ML and AI learns. Provide older learners with opportunities to create their own solutions.

5. Tips for teachers using AI for adaptive learning, to save time, and so much more.

6. Discuss ethics and values related to AI.

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Artifical Intelligence and Machine Learning in Schools

Explore incorporating AI and ML into your school - for both administrative tasks and into lessons as a teaching resource


Expose learners to how Ai is being used in different real-life situations already.

Explore how  AI is used in education 

Investigate how would AI be of benefit to the teacher in the classroom?

Why AI would assist the administration department of a school?

What do you think of using facial recognition in schools?

Do you think Emotion AI would be useful in schools?

Why should schools not ignore AI?

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