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Coding & Robotics: Workshops and Courses

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Foundation Phase coding and digital concepts related to CAPS

This workshop aims to equip Foundation Phase teachers with the skills and knowledge to effectively integrate the coding and digital skills aspects of the new FP coding and robotics curriculum into their classrooms (DBE CAPS FP coding and robotics curriculum). Through practical hands-on activities and  examples, participants will explore how to teach unplugged coding, fostering computational thinking skills like pattern recognition, algorithm design, decomposition and abstraction. Explore concepts of digital citizenship, awareness and responsible device use among young learners. Participants will investigate classroom management strategies when teaching these skills in their lessons. Teachers' confidence should be enhanced in their ability to deliver engaging and impactful coding lessons, while promoting digital literacy among their learners.

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Computational Thinking
More than just Coding (FP & IP)

First part of workshop focuses on computational thinking and thinking computationally in everyday lessons, how to incorporate the skills into lessons across various subjects. Focusing on how basic computational skills can be taught to learners without programming: problem formulation, decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, generalisation & algorithm design. 

Investigate ways to incorporate computational thinking skills into their lessons, relating to the specific topics from the CAPS subject/s they teach, participating in the various activities.

2nd Part creates an awareness of what coding is, when teacher play a simple directional game,  progress onto playing coding puzzle games, and onto block coding.  

The teachers explore basic coding during the interactive, hands-on session, they discuss ways to implement a coding or programming activity into their school environment. Evaluate the selected programme  programmes  selected by other participants

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Coding Workshops related to the DBE CAPS new curriculum

Workshops related to  the Draft Coding & Robotics Curriculum - FP, IP and SP


Understand the two Methodologies and how to use them in lessons:

Design Thinking

Computational Thinking

Pillars of Content knowledge:

1. Pattern Recognition & Problem Solving

2. Algorithms & Coding 

3. Robotic Skills 

4. Internet & E-Communication skills, includes internet safety

5. Application Skills


Explore how to implement this curriculum into your school


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Incorporating Robotics & Coding
Senior Phase Teachers

Explore robots and robotic uses in the world of work, in various industries, including humanoid robots. Investigate the consistent characteristics in robots and the definition of robotics 

Explore the value of discussing robotics and ethics, in relation to being a responsible digital citizen.

Investigate possible dangerous robotic technologies. Explore ways in which to communicate with robots. Investigate examples of sensors that could be used to inform robots and provide them with information. Explore ways in which to control robots, depending on the motherboard used, such as micro bit, raspberry pi or Arduino. Understand how to programme and control pre-made robots using block coding or a programming language (such as JavaScript or Python). Explore options of coding the robot to control actions.

Investigate artificial intelligence, by exploring AI Experiments which teach computers and model robots.

Significance of integrating computational thinking and computer sciences, robotics, and coding into lessons

Participate in discussions of how aspects of robotics and computational thinking were useful and appropriate to use at your school, within lessons

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Demystifying Coding & Robotics

One day workshop.

Exploring 21st Century Learning, 4IR tools awareness.


Computational Thinking skills, unplugged practical activties.


Coding unplugged activities, as well as an awareness of coding apps and websites.


​Robotics activties, awareness of "what is robotics", practical tasks to do with learners. Robotics websites and apps.


​SACE endorsed - 10 points


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Unplugged Coding 
including Computational Thinking Skills Workshop (ECD, Gr. R, FP)

SACE endorsed: Unplugged coding for
Foundation Phase Teachers

Want to gain unplugged coding ideas to use with your learners?

Understand and use computational thinking skills in your lessons. Request this workshop for your staff

All Foundation Phase Teachers - Grade R - 3

Explore:  Why should we introduce coding and robotics? - Developing 21st Thinking Skills, Creating critical and creative thinkers - all about the questions

Demystify Coding - Background Introduction - what is coding? 

Unplugged Computational Thinking skills: Problem Identification, Pattern Recognition, Decomposition, Abstraction, Generalisation, Algorithm design. Unplugged Coding Tasks, Applications  and Games


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Computational Thinking 
More than Coding (SP)

  1. Introduction to Computational Thinking, exploring how skills can be integrated into everyday lessons - problem formulation, decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, generalisation, algorithm design.

  2. Explore how to create an awareness among learners of computational thinking. 

  3. Creating an awareness of coding platforms, such as Google’s CS First which uses MIT Scratch, Pencil Code and Coding with Chrome.

  4. Exploring how the platforms could be integrated in learning environments.

  5. Creating an awareness of statistics, information and the significance of integrating computational thinking / computer sciences into lessons and the career opportunities.

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Introduction to Robotics & Coding
Foundation Phase Teacher

Introduction to robotics, exploring what is robotics, how robots are used in society and industry. Create and control own simple model paper “robot”. 

Explore offline robotics tasks

Creating an awareness of statistics, information and the significance of integrating computational thinking / computer sciences into lessons.

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Internet Safety
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This internet safety course is for School leaders and teachers who want to learn and explore information related to internet safety, topics that we should be talking to our learners about within the school environment, and ideas of how to address issues such as an individual’s Online Reputation (subtopics: Digital Footprint, Texting / Emailing Manners, Digital Ethics, Photos I take and share, Posting Online, Online Gaming, Sexting and being a Responsible Digital Citizen); Privacy and Security (subtopics: Protect Your Password, Protect yourself and your information, Protect yourself on social media); Online Harassment and Cyberbullying( subtopics: Cyberbullying, Be aware of online grooming), then exploring  Teaching Online Safety Tips and how to encourage learners to be wise and responsible digital citizens.

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Unplugged Robotics
with coding and design process skills Workshop (FP & I)

SACE endorsed course: FP Basic robotics skills - an introduction - BASIC ROBOTICS


Lesson ideas about unplugged robotics 

with coding and design process skills


All Foundation Phase Teachers - Grade R - 3

Let’s discuss why we should do coding and robotics.

Explore the 4th Industrial Revolution, and investigate the background robotics.

Get an overview of what is robotics?

Participate in hands-on interactive activities to create an unplugged “tethered robot” - problem-solving. hands-on, interactive activities

Explored how design process activities could be incorporated into everyday lessons 

Explore unplugged simple robots for foundation phase

Explore and online robotic resources (websites and applications) and made aware of actual physical robots

Investigated the importance of Internet safety, as a brief overview

Investigated and considered tips for classroom management and teaching strategies related to  robotics; teaching strategies linked to resources and / or devices as well as teaching methodologies linked to 4th Industrial Revolution

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Education

1.  Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). Including the four forms of AI (Reactive Machine, Limited Memory Machines, Theory of Mind and Self Aware machines).

2. Explore various AI solutions that bring value to education and business, for example text AI, visual AI, analytical AI)

3. AI resources and activities for learners to use in lessons, e.g. reading, spell check, etc.

4. Explore websites to understand how ML and AI learns. Provide older learners with opportunities to create their own solutions.

5. Tips for teachers using AI for adaptive learning, to save time, and so much more.

6. Discuss ethics and values related to AI.

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Introduction to Robotics & Coding
Intermediate Phase Teachers

Explore what is robotics and the consistent characteristics related to robotics. Investigate examples where robots are used in industry and society. Investigate the definition of robotics and the various ways robots are controlled

Explore an introduction to mechanical systems and electrical systems used in robotics, investigate the creation and control of a model electric car, skills required when planning and coding a robotics production line. 

​Investigate the top-ranked programming languages. Investigate the link between symbols and coding, create an awareness that coding languages use symbols - create and evaluate own “code”. Observe and explore how the applications drive the robots, and how applications,  web tools  and bluetooth control the robots, using code.​ Exposure to a range of robots that may be included in your school. Understand how to programme and control robots using block coding on applications and web-based, via bluetooth.  Explore the various options where the code control the different robots, and think about resources for your learners and what are beneficial solutions for your school​

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Internet Safety Awareness

These workshops are for parents, teachers and learners.


Online safety and considera tion when teaching with online tools.



About cyber-bullying, various ways to deal with cyber-bullying, and internet safety for your child when using phone apps and browsing online.


Customised workshops and ways that you could deal with different scenarios and situations.

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