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Assessment Ideas

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Meaningful assessment using eAssessmentTools and Strategies

Using eAssessment tools to engage with learners, using the data to create personalised learning with the results from your learners' work. Exploring the benefits to teachers when using eAssessment tools. Investigate how to ask a range of questions for an online assessment. Using teaching and learning strategies and differences when conducting an online assessment compared to traditional paper-based assessment. Explore personalised learning using learners’  eAssessment results, such as Google forms and spreadsheets. Investigate examples of eAssessment tools.

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Assessment and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Ideas for teachers (FP, IP, SP, FET)

This workshop is aimed at  encouraging teachers to explore and consider using AU tools to assist them and save them time. 

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, we investigate the history of Artificial Intelligence (AI), what it is AI and the various types of AI tools.

What is assessment?

We investigate what assessment is and teaching strategies for using online / e-Assessments, and inspect the reasons for assessments created with AI. Investigate Google Forms as a machine-learning tool

Investigate and explore the usefulness of AI for assessment tasks, ways in which children use AI for school, and how teachers are building AI into assessment tasks


A few AI assessment tools are explored in an Interactive, hands-on approach, and how teachers could use them to build assessment tasks, rubrics, tests and examinations


We explore AI and plagiarism, ways to avoid AI plagiarism by creating assessment tasks which don’t use AI.

Investigate AI checkers, and their accuracy and discuss why teachers need to be discerning.


Finally, investigate the importance of considering ethics, values and AI. Explore the value of the foundations of AI systems to work for the good of humanity, individuals, societies and the environment. Investigate AI bias, Africa and how South African teachers can help address the bias.

 Investigate whether a school is ready for AI and the need for a school AI policy

Conclude by reminding teachers and encouraging them to be responsible AI users.

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Assessment and Lesson Planning

The correlation between assessments and the way we teach our lessons.

teaching critical thinking, so learners cope with higher order thinking questions in assessments.


Promoting creative thinking and building that into assessments, 


Staff discussions about planning, teaching, and assessment. 


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