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Additional Courses for your Learning

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Dr Richard Hayward
Professional Development Sessions

Richard has been in formal education for almost 40 years. He has been a school principal of two
schools for more than half of them. In his retirement, Richard does leadership and management
workshops across Southern Africa. The topics deal with issues that are pertinent to many teachers
from Grade 1 through to Grade 12.

His SACE (South African Council of Educators)-endorsed workshops that earn Professional
Development points include:
ï‚· An introduction to Total Quality Education: the Five Pillars
ï‚· Conflicts occur in every school – let’s resolve them
ï‚· Introverted children: making sure that they shine
ï‚· Stop teacher stress … well almost completely!
ï‚· The kids are hell. What can I do?
ï‚· Why change? Everything looks OK!

For more details about these and other workshops, please contact Richard. His details are and 011 888 3262.

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Coding & Robotics Workshops from ECD, FP, IP & SP 

Karen Walstra presents for Macmillan Teacher Campus

CODING Workshops  Cost: R350 per person  

Have you ever wanted to code?

Get stuck into coding: 

2 April 2024 – Foundation Phase 

3 April 2024 – Intermediate Phase 

4 April 2024 – Senior Phase 

Time: 14:00 – 16:00 


May and August 2024 webinar topics to be  confirmed


To register click on the

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See you in the classroom!

Let me know what workshop you would like me to conduct, or strategic planning session you would like me to facilitate.


Workshops and sessions are customised to suit YOUR School's needs 


I look forward to engaging with you.


Drop  me a call or a WhatApp: 072 259 3911


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